Mother bears fruit
Mother multiplies the significance of a seed
into the ultimate nurturing sea of sweetness –
a trees kiss,
colored red and orange in flesh
Loving, giving Mother
Mother receives
Seeping cells in light code
Sun’s rays retained by petals –
delivering the juiciest delights
fruit, for gracious souls to bite
the sight of bodies might ignite,
our belly’s blooming with what seasons bring.
Mother cycles
She may be gowned and adorned by lushness and jewels
or she may stand barren,
skeletal and stark
statured in the stillness of Winter
Mother follows the cues
unending provisions
: She will never stop providing
eternal resource
: If we vow to remember our home
Non-division, a condition of influencing collision
(i tend, i am tended to)
(i care, i am cared for)
Elements and Source,
Taking their course
through the Creatrix,
to the pulse of Mother’s womb
sent from the Seed within